On The Beach

9 Jan

The beach, a 20-minute walk from our house

The beach, a 20-minute walk from our house

Me and the Mediterreanean

Me and the Mediterreanean

Yesterday, we decided to take a walk to the beach to see just how close we are to the Mediterranean. The Google map estimate of a 15-minute walk was just about spot on. You need to add a few more minutes as our house is on one side of a hill that runs between us and the beach. Add to that a climb down quite a few steps on the other side of the hill onto the beach.

I was surprised to see that the entire beach is public despite the high-rise resort hotels located along one area of the coastline. Also a surprise is that the beach is relatively free of the ticky-tackiness of say, Ocean City, MD.

It was a blustery day — very windy and rather cool by the water (maybe low 60s-high 50s F). There were a few people out for a stroll along the boardwalk, many were walking their dogs. A handful of die-hard surfers dressed in wet suits were riding the knee-high waves. I imagine the scene will be much livelier during the summertime.

4 Responses to “On The Beach”

  1. JoAnn January 10, 2011 at 12:01 pm #

    It does look like you are a little chilly. It’s very pretty, though.

  2. Lenora Genovese January 10, 2011 at 2:14 pm #

    Hi JoAnn. Yes, it was a bit chilly when we started out that day, especially by the water where it was very windy. On the way home it warmed up enough for me to take my jacket off.

  3. Brenda January 12, 2011 at 7:38 pm #

    I like the photo to caption

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