Archive | December, 2012

Foggy Day in December

17 Dec

We woke to fog this morning. As I stood at the kitchen window doing the dishes, I watched the birds at the feeder in the morning gloom. I heard on the radio that some schools would be opening two hours late. I thought I heard a weather forecaster predict that the fog would burn off by midmorning. The fog persisted throughout the day and into evening. I took a walk in the afternoon past some nearby fields shrouded in the mist. It reminded me of winter in Yorkshire.

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Christmas Nostalgia With A Twist

13 Dec

Father Guido BIGGER

Years ago I taped a bunch of Christmas songs being aired on WHFS curated by the DJ known as Weasel. This was when ‘HFS was a cool alternative rock station. Every year at Christmastime I listened to that tape. The odd quirky songs in the Christmas mix became my own private tradition. When I got married my husband became (unwillingly?) admitted into that tradition.

Nowadays, we don’t own a tape player so I can no longer listen to my funky Christmas mix. Then I discovered Soma FM, an internet radio station that airs several different streams of music. Lately, I’ve been listening to one of those streams, Christmas Rocks, and I’ve heard just about every song on my old Christmas mix. All but one.

Surely one of the oddest Christmas songs ever to be recorded, I’m quite fond of “I Won’t Be Twisting This Christmas” by Father Guido Sarducci. It’s also one of the most elusive. You won’t find it on YouTube. Searches on Pandora, and come up blank. Ahhh, but I was able to purchase it on iTunes for a mere 99¢.

Thought I’d share it with you here. For me, Christmas just isn’t Christmas without this song.


Natural Phenom

1 Dec

It’s not nearly as striking as the half red/half green apple I read about recently in the British press, but I was duly impressed with this specimen I brought home from the local grocery store.


I took some photos of it and then I ate it.