The Incomparable Dead Sea

15 Jan

The visit to Masada took up most of the day. With what time remained before sundown we decided to make our way to the shore of the Dead Sea for a closer look at this fascinating body of water. By the time we got to the Ein Gedi Spa it was too late to go to the shore. The Spa used to be right at the shore but the Sea has been depleted so much due to lack of rain that one must now take a shuttle from the Spa to the shore. We hastened to the public beach a bit further down the road. Ah, we were in luck. It was still open. And there were even a few bathers there.

The Dead Sea is actually a salt lake. At 1,388 feet below sea level its shores are at the world’s lowest elevation. It is also one of the world’s saltiest bodies of water. You can’t really swim in the Dead Sea – if you go into the water you can’t help but float. I was struck by the lack of vessels on such a huge expanse of water. I was also incredibly impressed with the Dead Sea’s astounding beauty.

The Dead Sea

Salt encrusted rocks in the foreground, Jordan and the mountains of Moab in the distance.

Salt-encrusted Rocks at the Shoreline

Salt-encrusted Rocks at the Shoreline

Dead Sea Bather

Dead Sea Bather

4 Responses to “The Incomparable Dead Sea”

  1. Anne January 29, 2012 at 9:14 pm #

    Amazing photos!!!

  2. Anne January 29, 2012 at 9:14 pm #

    And I love your writing too!

  3. Melissa January 31, 2012 at 3:18 am #

    I’m living vicariously through you!!!! Wonderful. How exciting.

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